
What Scientific Materialism Fails To Explain

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Contents include

  • The Menace of Modern Materialism by Hank Hanegraaff  (From the President)
  • Witnessing to a Wayward Child by Nicole Howe (Effective Evangelism)
  • No Mindful Matter: The Explanatory Failure of Scientific Materialism by Melissa Cain Travis
  • Myself Am Hell: Rebellion and Gratitude in Milton’s Paradise Lost by Stephen Mitchell
  • To the Cancel Culture: “We Respectfully Decline” — When Believers Are Told What We May or May Not Say, Polite Refusal Is Called For by Joe Dallas
  • For Our Lamps Are Going Out: Gaslighting in the Age of Social Media  by Anne Kennedy
  • Falun Gong: How the West Was Won by Lindsey Medenwaldt
  • Is It True That There Are Good Non- Christians? by Clay Jones (Viewpoint)
  • Martyr of Science? A Reflection on the Anime Dr. Stone by Harrison Dulin (Postmodern Realities)
  •  What Are the Basic Beliefs of Buddhism? by Hank Hanegraaff (Ask Hank)