Volume 29:Issue 2


Feature Articles:

Theophostic Prayer Ministry: Christian Prayer, Occult Visualization, or Secular Psychotherapy? by Elliot Miller

Is Darwinism Atheistic? An Examination of the Beliefs and Practices of Charles Darwin by Bill Johnson

Culture, Religion, Philosophy, and Myth: What Christianity Is Not by Louis Markos

News Watch:

Mary Magdalene’s Modern Makeover by James Patrick Holding

Dahn Hak: Korean Spiritual Movement Claims to Have “Ki” to Global Enlightenment by Holly Pivec

Book Reviews:

A Summary Critique: A Tale of Two Exorcisms – a review of “Glimpses of the Devil: A Psychiatrist’s Personal Accounts of Possession, Exorcism, and Redemption” by M. Scott Peck, M.D. Reviewed by Robert Velarde

Safeguarding the Souls of America’s Youth – a review of “Protecting Your Teen from Today’s Witchcraft: A Parent’s Guide to Confronting Wicca and the Occult” by Steve Russo. Reviewed by Richard G. Howe

The Men and the Message of Brokeback Mountain – a review of  “Brokeback Mountain” Directed by Ang Lee. Reviewed by Joe Dallas.

Ask Hank:

Can We Be Certain That Evolution Is a Myth? by Hank Hanegraaff

Practical Hermeneutics:

The Analogy of Faith: Does Scripture Interpret Scripture? by Thomas A. Howe

Effective Evangelism:

Funeral Faux Pas: Avoiding Misstatements about Death by Matthew Cable


The Great Comfort of God’s Wrath by Drew Dyke