Dear Friend,
I’m excited to provide you with this digital version of our Equip newsletter!
Our goal for Equip is to provide you with insight on key issues of our faith and culture – equipping you to have an ever-closer walk with Christ. And we want to show you how you’re making a difference through your gifts and prayers.
In this issue, we look at some of the crucial questions concerning origins, one of the most hotly contested areas of apologetics today.
I hope the answers you find in each article help you make sense of the confusion and equip you to stand up to the intense pressure our culture puts on anyone daring to question the dogma of evolutionary naturalism – the idea that the material world exhausts all of reality and there is no room for God.
What we believe about origins truly matters. Why? Because those who believe human life is the result of a personal plan have a completely different sense of human value and moral foundation than those who believe we’re merely the end product of a purposeless process. From abortion to the sexual revolution, many of the problems facing our society today are rooted in the farce of evolution.
Your support for CRI also truly matters, and we have a very special gift to thank you for your donation this month: Illustra Media’s new DVD, Flight: The Genius of Birds. I can’t say enough about the brilliance of this DVD and the impact it will have on your life. I hope you will request your copy today!
Thank you for your partnership in the gospel. May this newsletter be an encouragement to you that God is using you to build His Kingdom!
Hank Hanegraaff