On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast (03/14/24), Hank answers the following questions:
- What is the difference between Christianity and the teachings of Jehovah’s Witnesses? James – Springfield, MO (0:58)
- Was Jesus all-knowing during his incarnation? Lynne – Charleston, SC (4:14)
- Is homosexuality biblical? Michael – Nashville, TN (7:02)
- How can we say that Jesus gave up his omniscience on earth? Scott – Baton Rouge, LA (15:12)
- What is your view of the book The Harbinger by Jonathan Cahn? Kip – Des Moines, IA (24:26)
Resources related to today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast:
“A Beginner’s Guide to Witnessing to the Jehovah’s Witnesses”
“Discussing Deity With Jehovah’s Witnesses”
“Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Deity of Christ”
“Are Jehovah’s Witnesses Christian?”
“Jehovah’s Witnesses and John 1:1: New Evidence Advances the Discussion”
“A Holy Spirit Encounter With a Jehovah’s Witness”
“Does The Bible Claim Jesus is God?”
“Jesus as God in the Second Century”
“Why the Followers of Jesus Recognized Him as Divine”
“Is the New World Translation of the Bible Credible?”
The Complete Bible Answer Book—Collector’s Edition, Revised and Updated by Hank Hanegraaff
Speaking of Homosexuality and When Homosexuality Hits Home by Joe Dallas
The Bible and Homosexual Practice by Robert A. J. Gagnon
The Apocalypse Code: What the Bible Really Teaches about the End Times and Why It Matters Today by Hank Hanegraaff
AfterLife: What You Need To Know about Heaven, the Hereafter and Near-Death Experiences by Hank Hanegraaff
“Jonathan Cahn’s American Revelation”
“Evaluating the Teaching of Jonathan Cahn”
“Jonathan Cahn: Selling Fear and Sensationalistic Claims”