On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast (12/03/24), Hank answers the following questions:

  • How did the origin of different races come to be? Did the separation of races come after Noah or the Tower of Babel? Stephen – Independence, MO (1:00)
  • What is your understanding of the redshift of starlight? John – Kansas City, MO (2:35)
  • You don’t believe in a secret coming of Christ. What about the “thief in the night”? Donna – St. Louis, MO (8:30)
  • If death entered the world through the fall of Man, how does the death of dinosaurs and other animals fit with this? Darryl – Rock Hill, SC (15:11)
  • God created Adam and Eve as mature humans. Can we not take that idea and apply it to the universe? Darryl – Rock Hill, SC (19:47)


Resources related to today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast:

The Heart of Christmas

The Heart of Christmas by Hank Hanegraaff

The Creation Answer Book Audiobook by Hank Hanegraaff

What Is the Genius of Genesis?

Did the Universe Really Have a Beginning?

Ten Urgent Questions and Answers about Origins

Can the Big Bang Be Harmonized with Genesis?

Apocalypse When? Why Most End-time Teaching Is Dead Wrong

The Apocalypse Code: What the Bible Really Teaches about the End Times and Why It Matters Today by Hank Hanegraaff

Is the pre-tribulational rapture theory biblical?

Is There Evidence That Humans and Dinosaurs Walked Together?

Is There a Biblical Distinction Between Dinosaurs and Dragons?

Are Behemoth and Leviathan Dinosaurs?

What Is the Genius of Genesis?

Young Earth-Old Earth: Debating the Geological Evidence

Can Radiometric Dating Be Trusted?

Did God Create His Handiwork with the Appearance of Age?

Could Carnivores and Catastrophes Have Existed Prior to the Fall?


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