On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast (09/12/23), Hank answers the following questions:
- How does Jesus’ fulfillment of the law change the fourth commandment? Whose idea was it to change the day on which we observe the Sabbath? (0:52)
- My mother became a Seventh-day Adventist and has been trying to convert me. Is this a sound denomination? (15:12)
- Are the sons of God mentioned in Genesis chapter 6 referring to demons? (19:26)
Resources related to today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast:
“Why Do Christians Worship on Sunday Rather Than on the Sabbath Day?”
“Is Seventh-Day Adventism Orthodox?”
“Did Demons Have Sexual Relations With Women In Genesis 6:4?”
“Who Are the Sons of God in Genesis 6?”
“Why Is Satan Called “The God of This Age”?”