Volume 35:Issue 4
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04 From the Editor
Gay Rights and the Challenge of Representing Christ in a PC World
06 Response
Personhood’s Fatal Flaw… The Framework Interpretation of the Days of Creation… The Sacrament of the Supper
08 “Be All Things to All People”: Surmounting Cultural Barriers in Presenting the Gospel to Muslims
by Robert Scott
Today’s Religious Movements: When Christians serve the Lord in Muslim-majority nations, it is expected that they take on some of their host culture’s behavior to help reduce barriers to people hearing the gospel. However, when Muslim people are in my country, don’t I have the right to follow my own culture? A feature-length Effective Evangelism
14 Is Dispensationalism Indispensable?
by Steve Gregg
Doctrinal Discernment: Many Christians today read Scripture through a theological paradigm that was unknown prior to the nineteenth century. This view, dispensationalism, introduced such concepts as the pre-tribulation rapture and third-temple Judaism in the millennium, but these eschatological novelties are not the most important differences between dispensationalism and historic Christian theology. A feature-length Practical Hermeneutics
22Did the Prophet Daniel Prophesy a Seven-Year Great Tribulation Period?
by Hank Hanegraaff
Biblical/Doctrinal Discernment: The answer to the question posed by this article’s title is yes. But the next question is: When did or will this Great Tribulation take place? A feature-length Ask Hank
28Evolution’s Achilles’ Heel?
by R. Scott Smith
Scientific/Philosophical Apologetics: Evolution is based on philosophical naturalism, and philosophical naturalism rules out God, souls and all nonphysical reality a priori. Ah, but therein lies evolution’s vulnerability
32 Could Environmentalism Become a Global Religion?
by Dan Story
Today’s Religious Movements/Cultural Discernment: Many Christians today assume that environmentalism, along with pagan nature religions, is evolving into a global religious movement—perhaps even the “one-world religion” allegedly described in Revelation 13:11-18. How realistic is this scenario?
38 To Defend Marriage, We Should Learn a Lesson from Apologetics
by Jay W. Richards
Ethical Apologetics: Never before in Western history has marriage been in more danger, as the media and cultural elites repeatedly assure us that same-sex marriage is a matter of “marriage equality.” If we want to preserve marriage as a public institution, we must make persuasive counterarguments that appeal to widely held moral convictions
44 Addressing the Emotional Problem of Evil (Why Christians Hope)
by Mary Jo Sharp
Practical Apologetics Many of us know people who, after experiencing or observing great suffering, lost their faith in God. If it is true that the emotional response to the problem of evil is the greatest challenge to apologetics, how can these people be reached?
50 We Get to Carry Each Other: Kierkegaard and U2 on Authentic Love
by Michael W. Austin
Philosophical Apologetics: Rock star Bono and nineteenth century Danish philosopher Søren Kierkegaard have surprising similarities. Most notably, they both have profound, complementary insights to share with us on the true nature of love
54 Reviews
A Summary Critique: Elaine Pagel’s Revelations… Alister E. McGrath’s Mere Apologetics… Sam Harris’s Free Will
60 Viewpoint
Learning from an Apostle: Christianity in the Marketplace of Ideas (Acts 17:16-34)