
Surmounting Barriers in Christian-Muslim Dialogue

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Volume: 35
Issue: 04
Year: 2012

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SKU: J124 Categories: ,



Topics covered in this issue of the CRJ include:

  • ’Be All Things to All People’: Surmounting Cultural Barriers in Presenting the Gospel to Muslims
  • Is Dispensationalism Indispensible
  • Did the Prophet Daniel Prophesy a Seven-Year Great Tribulation Period?
  • Evolution’s Achilles’ Heel?
  • Could Environmentalism Become a Global Religion?
  • To Defend Marriage, We Should Learn a Lesson from Apologetics
  • Addressing the Emotional Problem of Evil (Why Christians Hope)
  • We Get to Carry Each Other: Kierkegaard and U2 on Authentic Love
  • And More

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