Volume 43:Issue 1

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Interested in DK Matthews’ book, Seduced?: Shameless Spin, Weaponized Words, Polarization, Tribalism, and the Impending Disintegration of Faith and Culture please click here. 


04 From the President

Christians Caught in the Crosshairs of a Virulent Linguistic Pandemic

06 Effective Evangelism 

Atheism and the Burden of Proof

08 Seduced? The Crisis of Word and the Fragmentation of Civilization

by D. K. Matthews

Philosophical Apologetics/ Cultural Discernment:  “What do you mean by that?” may be one of the most important
questions of this century. In this relativistic, post-truth age, in which words are systemically redefined to undermine the Judeo-Christian foundations of Western civilization, Christians must discern the meaning of words and learn to counter and redeem semantic distortions.

16 Faithful Living Through COVID-19

by Douglas Groothuis

Christian Growth and Witness: The new coronavirus that causes COVID-19 has spread worldwide, and we are facing ever-increasing challenges, from social distancing to closed schools, businesses, and churches. Christians know, however, that Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever, and our hope is found in Him. We should use this time as an opportunity to share that hope with others.

20 Irenaeus and Christian Orthodoxy

by Bradley Nassif

Historical Theology (Philosophers Series):  The second century theological warrior Irenaeus stands among the most relevant thinkers for our time. His reliance on the church’s apostolic canon, creed, and clergy shows us a way beyond the interpretive anarchy of today’s individualistic approach to Christianity.

26 “Winning” the Fight for Religious Freedom

by Luke Goodrich

Christian Growth and Witness:  What would it mean to win the fight for religious freedom? Our calling as Christians is to be like Jesus in all things. So to really answer that question, we need to consider what type of people we’re called to be during religious freedom conflicts. Only if we become those people can we “win” religious freedom fights in any meaningful sense.

32 Second-Rate Musician: Vocation and Performance in T. S. Eliot’s The Confidential Clerk

by Stephen Mitchell

Cultural Discernment/Cultural Apologetics Choosing to pursue vocation over performance-based success can be ferociously difficult in Western culture. In T. S. Eliot’s play, The Confidential Clerk, a young man faces such a challenge. God’s calling in our lives may not align with what culture considers successful, but the lesson is that if we are in Him, we will never be second-rate.

38 The Beauty of Worship: Aesthetics and Truth

by Matthew M. Kennedy

Theological Discernment (Viewpoint) The non-liturgical attractional model of worship is a historical novelty. By turning the aesthetic elements of worship to the utilitarian end of producing a subjective experience of God, the seeker sensitive model forfeits both beauty and truth. But when the church gathers, the Scriptures are expounded, and the Eucharist is celebrated, Christ’s presence and power are assured by His promises.

44  Postmodern Realities
OK, Boomer: Time to Declare a Truce in the Generational Wars

46 Ask Hank

Will You Join Me in Prayerful Repentance in the Midst of the COVID-19 Pandemic?