Hank Hanegraaff, president of the Christian Research Institute and host of the Bible Answer Man broadcast, discusses his “From the President” column in the current issue of the CHRISTIAN RESEARCH JOURNAL, 44, no. 04 (2021): 4–6. In a brilliant commentary on Genesis, the erudite Saint Ephrem the Syrian (c. 306 – c. 373) rightly depicted “the paradise narrative as a paradigm of deification, an interpretive framework for the history of redemption, and a spiritual geography for the conceptualization of deifying union with God as the goal of the Christian life.” Saint Ephrem, like the church fathers as a whole, set a high premium on the proper interpretation of Genesis in understanding what it means to be truly human. In the current issue of the JOURNAL, Fazale Rana provides a Summary Critique of William Lane Craig’s In Quest of the Historical Adam. Dr. Craig misreads both science and Scripture. Moreover, Craig invokes a novel interpretive framework clearly in conflict with “what has been believed everywhere, always, and by all.”
To read Hank’s From the President in the current issue (March 2022) of the Christian Research Journal, entitled, “Misreading the Book of Knowledge and the Book of Nature” please click here.
Click here for a Special limited preview of the article, “Who Was Adam? (Summary Critique of William Lane Craig’s In Quest of the Historical Adam)”. To read the full article and others in this issue please subscribe to the print edition of the Journal (and receive as your first issue while this remains the most recent issue, to check what the current issue is please click here). There is also a Postmodern Realities episode discussing this book available by clicking here.
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