​Hank is joined by D.K. Matthews, author of Seduced? Shameless Spin, Weaponized Words, Polarization, Tribalism, and the Impending Disintegration of Faith and Culture and the cover article of the Christian Research Journal, “Seduced? The Crisis of Word and the Fragmentation of Civilization.” Today Christians are caught in the cross hairs of a virulent linguistic pandemic. It’s a crisis of word—a crisis that has flowered into semantic terrorism. Post-truth critics—including candidates for the highest office in the land—routinely castigate those who stand in opposition to their redefinition of words. They are labeled intolerant, hateful, ignorant, xenophobic, and an imminent and existential threat to the noble quest for a progressive future. This critical conversation conveys the reality of how redefining words and worldviews threatens to undo Western Civilization.

Topics discussed include: The redefinition of words today and why it is a threat to Western Civilization (5:00); the legal implications of redefining sex to include sexual orientation and identity (8:05); logocentric reality (15:35); justice as a classic example of alternate semantic universes (19:25); is the modern redefinition of social justice a Trojan horse? (23:00); do Christians need to be more educated on critical theory? (28:40); the role of Marxism in critical theory (33:00); the difference between the concept Black Lives Matter and the organization of Black Lives Matter (35:00); why the redefinition of words could be considered a linguistic pandemic (38:15); is the end of Western Civilization near? (43:05); constructing a lexicon of post-truth terms (56:05); how redefining words can redefine reality (1:01:30); how Jesus and Paul dealt with the counterfeit concepts in Scripture (1:04:55); how Thomas Jefferson and Madonna redefined Jesus and His message to fit their personal worldviews (1:09:50); are we living in an anti-Christian moment? (1:12:25); why the death of truth is a precursor to the death of words (1:19:50); the new pronoun rules and regulations in society today (1:23:25);D.K. Matthews discusses why he wrote his epic book Seduced? Shameless Spin, Weaponized Words, Polarization, Tribalism, and the Impending Disintegration of Faith and Culture (1:27:10).

For more information on his cover article of the Christian Research Journal, “Seduced? The Crisis of Word and the Fragmentation of Civilization” please click here. 

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