Buddhism or Christianity: Which Is Better for the World?
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Many spiritually curious people wrestle with important questions. They wonder, What spiritual path is the best way forward for an angry world? Which spiritual leader is the worthiest of imitation? What belief system gives the best answer to the problem of suffering? This book gives both Buddhism and Christianity the opportunity to give answers to these and related questions in a way that allows the reader to make an educated assessment.
Buddhism or Christianity: Which Is Better for the World? is an honest look at the most satisfying answers Buddhism and Christianity give when it comes to five crucial questions:
- Whom should we follow?
- What is real?
- What should we love?
- What should we hate?
- Why do we exist?
This book explores the way of Jesus and the way of the Buddha to seek which of these impressive paths makes for a better world.
“Daniel McCoy’s delightful and detailed exploration is a lovely and vitally needed example of moral apologetics at its best, one goal of which is to adjudicate between competing visions of reality by means of moral criteria. Visions both secular and religious. Buddhism or Christianity courageously takes goodness as evidentially significant—and more specifically how well a tradition addresses this-worldly suffering. Informed and insightful, McCoy performs an indispensable service by underscoring several central and telling distinctions between Christianity and Buddhism on this score—like which provides the more robust account of objective moral values and duties and intrinsic human worth. In so doing it equips readers to arrive at their own principled and considered conclusions. McCoy’s deeply informed and insightful work is worth serious study and close perusal, and it has my enthusiastic recommendation.” —Dr. David Baggett, Professor of Philosophy at Houston Christian University, author of Good God and The Morals of the Story
DANIEL MCCOY (PhD, North-West University) is the Editorial Director of Renew.org. He has created classes on world religions, philosophy, and ethics for Ozark Christian College. Among his books are The Popular Handbook of World Religions (general editor) and Real Life Theology (co-general editor with Bobby Harrington).
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