Resurrection Resources

For believers, Christ’s resurrection is indeed the most important day in history. Without it, our faith is
worthless and there would be no Christianity. I want to help undergird and strengthen CRI’s mind-shaping, hope-giving, and life-changing outreaches with my special Easter season gift. Please select a resource below:

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The Third Day:
The Reality of the Resurrection

Human History — and Your Future — Is Forever Changed by What Happened on the Third Day

“With laser-beam focus, Hank zeroes in on the most convincing facts that back up Jesus’ death, His empty tomb, His post-resurrection appearances, and the subsequent transformation of those who encountered Him… What’s more, he answers the ‘so what’ question by demonstrating the relevance of the Resurrection to every individual — and even to the cosmos itself.” —Lee Strobel, best-selling author of The Case for Christ


Understanding resurrection will radically change the way you live your life today, because without resurrection, there is no hope. Indeed, without resurrection, there is no Christianity.

After reading this book, you will have renewed purpose and passion. Above all, the biblical truths revealed in Resurrection will enable you to live each day with eternity in mind.

Hank Hanegraaff offers a detailed defense of the singularly most important event in history.

AfterLife: What You Need to Know about Heaven,

the Hereafter & Near-Death Experiences

What Does the Future Hold?

We were designed to live forever. Like a caterpillar’s transformation into a glorious butterfly, you and I will experience metamorphosis! As a caterpillar emerges from its chrysalis, we will emerge from graves in real, physical, flesh-and-bone bodies perfectly engineered for a new heaven and a new earth.


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Resurrection Resources

Third Day, Resurrection, AfterLife, Third Day -AND-Resurrection, Third Day -AND-AfterLife, Resurrection-AND-AfterLife, Third Day -AND-Resurrection AND-AfterLife