CRI Resource: Paul Maier Resources-The Genuine Jesus book and Week that Changed the World DVD and historical fiction Pontius Pilate and The Flames of Rome

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The Genuine Jesus: Fresh Evidence from History and Archaeology-nonfiction book 

In this richly illustrated volume–formerly titled In the Fullness of Time–Paul Maier visits the origins of Christianity, taking the reader back to the first Christmas, the first Easter, and the first Christians. His impressive research and brilliant insights correlate history, archaeology, and the New Testament to bring alive the true drama of earliest Christianity.

This skillful narrative sheds a brilliant new light on the life of Jesus and the adventures of the courageous men and women who carried His message throughout a hostile empire. A host of magnificent color and black-and-white photographs recreate the world, the mood, the people, and the events with an immediacy that sweeps readers into the exciting first years of Christianity.

The Week That Changed the World DVD

“If all the evidence is weighed carefully and fairly, it is indeed justifiable, according to the canons of historical research, to conclude that the sepulcher of Joseph of Arimathea, in which Jesus was buried, was actually empty on the morning of the first Easter. And no shred of evidence has yet been discovered in literary sources, epigraphy, or archaeology that would disprove this statement.”

—Dr. Paul Maier, renowned scholar of ancient history,
featured in The Week That Changed the World

The resurrection happened. It’s not just the belief of Christians, it s borne out by history, archaeology, and science. This documentary takes viewers step by step through the events of Holy Week shedding light on the key players, unraveling the political intrigue, and answering longstanding questions about what happened, and why. Professor of ancient history and world-renowned expert Dr. Paul L. Maier details the story, along with maps, graphics, and remarkable new footage to bring Holy Week alive in a whole new way.

The Flames of Rome-Historical Fiction

A madman who murders his way into power lusts for ever-greater glory and domination. A capital city awash with corruption, sensuality, and political intrigue is at the flash point. And caught between the crushing currents of history are a new but growing religious group known as the followers of The Way.

Award-winning historian and best-selling author Paul L. Maier has created a compelling style of documentary fiction, using only known historical events and persons to bring to life first-century Rome in all its excess, treachery, and insanity. This is the Rome that the apostle Paul visits, where he’s placed on trial, and which is forever changed by his testimony and witness. Maier takes readers into the courtroom of imperial justice and into the homes of the people struggling with the new faith they’ve encountered to answers questions such as:

    • How did Christianity first reach Rome?
    • Why did Paul have to wait two years for trial and was he condemned or set free?
    • Why does the New Testament account in Acts end so abruptly?


  • Who set fire to Rome and why did Nero persecute Christians so horribly?

Following the family of Flavius Sabinus, mayor of Rome under Nero Maier captures all the drama and tension of the political conflicts that precede and follow the Great Fire of Rome, and the epic political and religious clashes of the world’s capital. This is the sensational story of pagans at their worst—and Christians at their best. Readers won’t want to put it down.

Pontius Pilate-Historical fiction


In a world full of DVD extras, behind-the-scenes commentary, and social media, people are used to getting the story behind the story. Readers want to understand not just what happened but why. This historical novel of the man who washed his hands of the crucifixion does just that!

Award-winning historian and best-selling author Paul L. Maier has created a compelling style of documentary fiction. He uses what is historically known of Pilate’s life and rise to power, adds in the known political climate of first-century Judea, and unveils the colorful, untold story that changed history for all time. He provides intriguing answers to questions such as:

  • What really happened at that most famous of trials?
  • Were the proceedings against Jesus legal?
  • Did cowardice or necessity motivate Pilate’s judgment?
  • What became of this successful Roman politician after his verdict?

Filling in the details of Pilate’s early career in Rome, Maier captures the drama of imperial Rome under the all-powerful Tiberius Caesar, the plottings of his political allies and enemies, and his relationship with his beloved but ambitious wife, Procula. His great moment arrives as he exchanges the intrigues of Rome for the bewildering environment of Judea, navigating new and dangerous waters. In Pontius Pilate, Maier paints a picture for modern readers to help them understand the behind-the-scenes complexities, political and religious realities, and ultimately, the humanity of the people we know from Scripture.

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Genuine Jesus, Week that Changed the World DVD, The Flames of Rome, Pontius Pilate, Genuine Jesus AND Week that Changed the World, The Flames of Rome AND Pontius Pilate, Genuine Jesus AND Week that Changed the World AND Flames of Rome AND Pontius Pilate