CRI Resource: The Story of the Cosmos and Call of the Cosmos

Minimum For This Selection: $ 40.00

SKU: Premium: (WFL2111**MP3): The Story of the Cosmos and Call of the Cosmos Categories: ,



Modern science has popularized a view of the cosmos that suggests there is no need for God and denies any evidence of His existence. But The Story of the Cosmos provides a different—and fascinating—perspective. It points to a God who makes Himself known in the wonder and beauty of His creation.


Call of the Cosmos (DVD) begins with a voyage from Earth to the edge of the observable universe, 45 billion light years away. Then, in a series of visually stunning episodes, we consider the origin and structure of the cosmos and our significance within it…the mysteries of solar eclipses and auroras…an agnostic astronomer’s honest recognition of a supernatural designer…and the convergent revelations of nature and Scripture.


“Only those deafened by the relentless drumbeat of philosophical naturalism could fail to heed The Call of the Cosmos. This stunning production is guaranteed to awaken and arouse anyone who has ‘ears to hear.’” —Hank Hanegraaff, president of the Christian Research Institute, host of the Bible Answer Man broadcast and Hank Unplugged podcast

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