
If Your Child Were Gay, Would You Change Your View on Homosexuality?

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Contents include:

  • (From the President) :Equipping You to Exercise Truth and Experience Life
  • Why Do Parents of Gay Children Change Their Theological Minds? by Matthew M. Kennedy
  • Moral Heresy: Is There Such a Thing? by Fr. John Whiteford
  • Facing the Abyss: Scientific Materialism and the Origin of Life Problem by Melissa Cain Travis
  • Black Lives Matter Inside the Womb and Out by Aaron Turner Jr.
  • Humanity’s Ascension: Assessing the History Channel’s New Age, Time Travel Guru David Wilcock  by Lindsey Medenwaldt
  • God and Our Ignorance by Douglas Groothuis
  • Planting Seeds of Faith: Making the Christian Story Plausible and Desirable to Generation Z by Kyle Keating
  • Postmodern Realities: Star Trek’s Christopher Pike: An Old- Fashioned Hero for Our Cynical Time
  • Ask Hank: What Is Eastern Orthodoxy?