Semantics, and Q&A
Today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast includes the following topics: Hank’s Monologue: Hank discusses racial semantics, political correctness, and how the meaning of words have changed over time. Questions and...
Read MoreToday’s Bible Answer Man broadcast includes the following topics: Hank’s Monologue: Hank discusses racial semantics, political correctness, and how the meaning of words have changed over time. Questions and...
Read MoreToday’s Bible Answer Man broadcast includes the following topics: Hank’s Monologue: Hank discusses how some Christians misuse the Bible to promote racism, claiming that God’s chosen people are the Negroid...
Read MoreHank Hanegraaff discusses why Harold Camping’s judgment day prediction is nothing to be concerned about and how we, as Christians, should avoid setting times for Christ’s return. http
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