Questions and Answers with Hank

Today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast includes the following topics: Does the Christian worldview allow for alternate universes or realities? Is it okay for a church to have a segregated worship service? Does Genesis 1 contradict...

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Questions and Answers with Hank

Today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast includes the following topics: Can you explain why Mark’s Gospel chronicles a young man who ran away naked in Mark 14:51? Does Genesis 1 say that God created light before the stars? Are the...

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Questions and Answers with Hank

July 9, 2012 Hank shares on what it means to say God is in my life, or Jesus is in my heart, or the Holy Spirit is in me (0:47) Questions / Comments Can you expound on Revelation 6:13 and the stars falling from heaven? Not a...

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Flight: The Genius of Birds

Get an eye-opening look at the truth of biblical creation “Wow! As I watched Flight, God’s interrogation of Job ‘out of the storm’ flashed like lightning through my mind, ‘Does the hawk take flight by your wisdom and...

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