Have you given thought to the Biblical tradition of fasting? Fasting is a living discipline by which we master our appetite—so that we may partake of heavenly manna. While food is a glorious gift from God, little compares with mastery over the appetites that seek to master us. Wishing does not win a race. To compete in the games takes strict training. It takes disciplining the appetites—making them your slave. Thus, like a coach, Paul urges his young protégé to forgo endless myths and legends and train hard in the gymnasium of life. “For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come” (1 Timothy 4:8). Speaking of fasting in a culture screaming indulgence is no small task. The apostles had a decidedly different perspective. Paul practiced fasting because emulating Christ was the highest virtue. Thus, as Christ fasted Paul fasted too. He lived and practiced the things his Lord had taught and practiced so that he might be empowered by God’s energies, not just his own.