Hank Hanegraaff, host of the Bible Answer Man broadcast and the Hank Unplugged podcast, decries the recent passing of the deceptively named Women’s Health Protection Act (H. R. 3755) in the U. S. House of Representatives. This horrendous piece of legislation would mandate in federal law virtually unfettered access to abortion, including sex-selection abortion and the abortion of pre-born children with proclivities to Down Syndrome, allowing for abortions up to the very moment of birth. H. R. 3755 is perhaps the most draconian, pro-death legislation in the history of humanity. And then there is the language crisis that threatens to undo Western civilization. The bill is not specifically a “Women’s” Health Protection Act. Rather, it is “intended to protect all people with the capacity for pregnancy.” The language has shifted from women’s health to the health of “birthing people” — “cis-gender women, transgender men, non-binary individuals, those who identify with a different gender, and others.” Pregnancy is no longer the province of biological women. And this is now the perspective of the Department of Justice, CDC, and the White House. It is not enough to open our southern border to the unvetted and unvaccinated but we’re now using language to redefine the borders of human sexuality. With no objective reference points, societal norms reduce to mere matters of subjective preference.
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