Hank Hanegraaff, president of the Christian Research Institute and host of the Bible Answer Man broadcast, shares another note of deep and abiding encouragement to us all from his sister Jobje, who is an astonishing example of faithfulness in the midst of suffering. From her chemo chair, she explains that this has been an Elijah week for her, with moments on Mt. Carmel as well as in the dark cave. “Why is it,” she pleads, “I cannot trust my Savior more, and I shoulder the doubting Thomas mantle?” And in the same breath, she reiterates her gratefulness that God in His mercy has given her “another two months extension of life.” “Amazing,” says Jobje, “how my life is now measured in small increments, not by years or by a half a year. His continued love for me amazes me! I know the day will come,” she continues, “when the chemo is no longer effective. Will I then still be able to give grateful thanks to a merciful Savior, to yield uncomplainingly, to mold myself slowly into His sovereign will and joyfully accept the closing of my earthly life? But ahh, the glorious knowledge that He has redeemed me and will Shepherd me personally by His staff, from the musty, deep, disappointing hollow black caves of this life into my eternal Home, a forever bright victorious Mt. Carmel! I do look forward to that moment!” Having walked with the Lord throughout her life, Jobje is now, at a precarious moment, able to rejoice in the midst of suffering. What an example to us to build our faith in our Lord through the spiritual disciplines so that when we too come to a point when we can see the end of our lives, we will do so in joy and hope and peace in Christ Jesus.
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