Hank Hanegraaff, president of the Christian Research Institute and host of the Bible Answer Man broadcast, reflects on reactions to the Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe v. Wade. Calla Hales, at the Preferred Women’s Health Center, says, “Let all this rage radicalize you.” This rage we have already been seeing carried out in front of the homes of Justices of the Supreme Court. In the midst of all of this, we must remember that abortion remains legal in many states, including North Carolina. The hysteria in the wake of the possibility that the Court’s ruling could stop the painful killing of innocent human beings at just 65 million over nearly 50 years is palpable. This hysteria over what Mother Teresa once said was a “scourge” (referring to Roe v. Wade) that “deformed a great nation.” Hear people now shouting in the streets about women’s rights and reproductive freedom, bodily autonomy and the right to choose—but choose what? Choose to thwart the dignity and worth of pre-born children. To exacerbate inequality and perpetuate racial division. It’s well known that vast numbers of Blacks and Hispanics are being exterminated via abortion. So, many are upset that we may not have the opportunity to continue corrupting our medical system. Nothing in our U. S. Constitution has ever promoted lethal violence in the wombs of mothers. But with all of the rage—the rage that is supposed to radicalize the painful killing of innocent human beings—the reality is that abortion will continue on and this battle is not over. Those who value all human beings as bearers of the image of God must continue to stand for truth. Not with the rhetoric of pro-abortion advocates, but rather with reason, respect, and the continuous propagation of truth communicated in love—the truth that every human being has worth.

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