“The church is facing ominous times. Science, culture, and politics are conspiring to silence the gospel and render God’s bride impotent. You can see it in the numbers: less than one half of 1 percent of eighteen- to twenty-three-year-olds hold to a Christian view of the world.1 More than 80 percent of young adults are spiritually ‘disengaged’ by age twenty-nine. In society as a whole, the number of those who profess no belief in God (the ‘nones’) more than doubled between 2007 and 2014. more than doubled between 2007 and 2014. Though statistics show an overall worldwide increase in the numbers of religious believers, that phenomenon is almost solely attributable to growing numbers in places such as Africa and China. In Europe and America, the numbers of the faithful are declining as younger ‘nones’ replace their more religiously affiliated elders.” So how do Christians reach nones with the gospel?”
This Postmodern Realities episode is a conversation with Journal author Bob Perry about his Volume 40 #4 Effective Evangelism article “That ‘Nones’ May Not Perish” as he answers questions including: To what do you attribute the growing number of “nones” in our culture? Do you think the church shares any culpability in this trend? What traits can you identify that the “nones” hold in common? Can you suggest an overall strategy that we can employ to address the attitudes and concerns of the “nones”? Aren’t we bowing to the culture by using this kind of evangelistic method? Shouldn’t we just be preaching the Gospel and letting the Holy Spirit do the work?
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