E-Receipt Response
“I am confident that if a single ray of light reaches a man from Christ, penetrates into his being and influences his way of living, he is further along the road of true belief in Him than if he gave his unreflecting assent to a multitude of orthodox propositions which have no perceptible effect upon his conduct.”
– Life Is Commitment, Rev. Dr. J. H. Oldham
Dear Hank: Agreed. Truth is as much about radical personal transformation through encounter with the risen Christ, not just about intellectual assent to theological propositions.
Because the difference matters greatly, please use my gift to continue transforming lives by equipping fellow believers to think and live Christianly.
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Your partnership will play a very significant role. Not just in sharing “orthodox propositions” about truth but also in allowing literally thousands to be penetrated daily with “rays of light” that have transformed not only ways of thinking but quality of lives and even eternal destinies in countries around the world.
While knowledge of the impact you’ve made is not meant as encouragement to rest on laurels, I hope it warms your heart to know that individuals, couples, Bible studies, and churches have benefitted from the resources you’ve made possible.
What’s more, multiple ministries have been launched through the outreaches you’ve played a significant role in, and the ripples of these organizations continue to multiply the impact of your partnership. As you’ve no doubt heard me say before, “You can always count the number of seeds in an apple, but you can never count the number of apples in a seed.”
In short, the seeds you have helped to plant continue to bear fruit
that neither you nor I will ever fully appreciate until we see the dividends
of our commitments and investments in eternity.
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Weight | 2 oz |
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