Hank Hanegraaff, the host of the Bible Answer Man broadcast and Hank Unplugged podcast, reads Matthew 5: 27–32. As with the sixth commandment, the problem is not with the eye or the hand but with the heart. And only God’s grace accessed through our faith can keep the heart pure. The Lord Jesus, the Master Teacher, in verse 28, identifies the real culprit as not the eye or the hand, but the heart. It is the heart out of which all sorts of evil spring. If losing an eye or amputation was the solution, then the blind and the lame could rest easily. While it may serve a righteous purpose to cut off from yourself those who may lead you into sin, it is ultimately the heart that needs to be renewed through God’s goodness and grace. Apart from that we are all in big trouble. For none of us can keep God’s commands in utter perfection. Jesus alone is the fulfillment of the law and prophets. When Jesus renews our hearts by His marvelous grace, through the uncreated energies that are received through the sacramental life, He remakes the parts of our bodies from instruments of death and unrighteousness into instruments of life and righteousness. Concerning divorce (vv. 31–32), when we read Scripture in light of Scripture, we immediately ascertain a primary principle, which is: GOD HATES DIVORCE (see Malachi 2: 16; see also Matthew 19: 1–12).

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