Hank Hanegraaff, host of the Bible Answer Man broadcast and the Hank Unplugged podcast, reflects on the blessed fact that each of us is “fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139: 14). He recently received a report that he’ll need to undergo another minor surgery on his scalp to remove a cancerous spot. This got him thinking about what Neil Thomas writes in his book, Taking Leave of Darwin: A Longtime Agnostic Discovers the Case for Design. Thomas points out that because of Darwinian evolutionary naturalism, biology courses no longer promote a “sense of wonder” in young minds “at the very fact of existence.” And when we forget how fearfully and wonderfully made we are, it can imbue in us a sense of disenchantment. The apostle Paul reminds us that “since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse” (Romans 1: 20). Thomas writes about the amazing human body, including our astonishing “physiological capacity for bodily self-repair”—broken bones mend and wounds heal. About the purifying activities of the liver, “which is able to perform more functions than the largest chemical refinery.” “The autonomous functioning of the heart.” And then there is the “diminutive universe in each of our individual cells.” There seems to be no end to the wonders of the human body, not least of which is the truly miraculous brain. All of which should imbue within each of us a sense of wonder and awe—and renewed loving gratitude to our gracious God in Christ.

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