Hank Hanegraaff, the host of the Bible Answer Man broadcast, reads Matthew 4: 23–25. It is always sobering to realize that the crowds were more interested in healing than in understanding the true nature of Christ’s kingdom. Yet Christ, understanding our fickle nature, lends credibility to the message of repentance by healing the multitudes. He healed every disease and torment. The demon-possessed as well as the epileptics and paralytics. He opened blind eyes and unstopped the ears of the deaf. The lame leaped for joy and Lazarus emerged from the tomb dressed in the robes of his own funeral. Christ’s miracles were such that the Sanhedrin could not deny them. They knew that they were witnesses to extraordinary miracles. They knew Messiah had emerged through the doorway of Old Testament prophecies. Yet with premeditation and forethought, they attributed these extraordinary miracles to Beelzebub the prince of demons. Thus, their guilt remained. Jesus pointed directly to Himself as the Servant of the Lord sent to reverse the oppression of Israel. Not from Roman subjugation but from the ruins of sin. As such, He identified Himself as One sent to heal the physically blind so that spiritually they might see. The heart of Christ’s message was impossible to miss. The eschaton had been inaugurated. The miracles He did in their midst attested to the reality that He was the extraordinary miracle worker and the fulfillment of Isaiah’s prophecies.

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