Hank Hanegraaff, the host of the Bible Answer Man broadcast, works through Matthew 7:7–12, 13–14. It’s easy to think that the Lord Jesus here is speaking exclusively about asking, seeking, and knocking for temporal needs. In reality, His focus is on knocking on the door of eternity—entrance into the kingdom of heaven—receiving the precious gift of the Holy Spirit. We have the assurance that those who seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness will not only attain entrance into the kingdom but will have all lesser needs provided for as well. And if this is so—if we are recipients of God’s lavish favor, then we must give as we have been given. Hank then moves into a discussion of the narrow and wide gates. The narrow gate leads to life that is life to the full. The narrow portal gate is the gate that leads to “Narnia” — to forever experience the Lion of the tribe of Judah. Those who enter this gate discover a mysterious world that far exceeds their wildest imaginations. It is to experience God’s unmediated presence. To be joined to the Lord; to become one spirit with Him. It is to peek through an earthly portal and see Paradise reborn; to envision the unspoiled beauty of the Edenic Garden turned Eternal. But the wide gate leads to destruction—its ways are the ways of death. It is to remain a wretched flatlander, thinking that the cosmos is all that is, all that was, all that ever will be. Therefore, cleanse the lens! Enter through the narrow gate!

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