The news from Hank’s doctors is all good! There is no indication of what is typically a problem in the aftermath of an allogeneic stem cell transplant: Graft-Versus-Host Disease, in which the donor cells attack the host’s good cells and organs. But Hank’s good cells and organs are not under attack, only any vestigial remains there might be of Mantle Cell Lymphoma. Moreover, doctors see no residual effects in his heart or other organs from the horrific infection Hank experienced that put him in the ICU, from which he nearly died. And he will soon be off heart medication altogether.
Hank is so grateful for your prayers that our gracious God in Christ has heard and used to sustain him!
He recites Proverbs 3:1–12, with a focus on verses 5–6:
Trust in the Lord with all your heart
And do not lean on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He will make your paths straight.
Streamed live on the Bible Answer Man Facebook page on August 7 2019.
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