Hank Hanegraaff, the host of the Bible Answer Man broadcast, continues through his four-part argument for the Resurrection—in this video the T in F-E-A-T: Transformation. On Great and Holy Friday, “He was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by His wounds we are healed.” As Theanthropos (“God-Man”), the spotless “Lamb of God” lived a perfectly sinless human life and died a sinner’s death to sufficiently atone once for all for the sins of humanity. Isaiah not only foreshadows the death of Christ but His resurrection as well. Through the resurrection “the sting of death” has been “swallowed up in victory.” What happened as a result of the resurrection is unprecedented. In the span of a few hundred years, a small band of insignificant believers succeeded in turning an entire empire upside down. The Twelve (minus Judas, plus Paul) were radically revolutionized. Within weeks of the resurrection, not just a few, but an entire community of thousands of Jews, willingly transformed the spiritual and sociological traditions underscoring their national identity. In place of the Passover meal, believers celebrated the Lord’s Supper. Jesus had just been slaughtered in grotesque and humiliating fashion, yet the disciples partook of the true body and true blood of Christ with great joy. Only the resurrection can account for that.

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