Special day for Hank as he signs hundreds of copies of his soon-to-be released book Truth Matters, Life Matters More: The Unexpected Beauty of an Authentic Christian Life.
Throughout his ordeal with cancer, Hank prayed he would see the day when the new book, his magnum opus, is released. By God’s grace in Christ, his absolute neutrophil and white blood cells are reproducing and his prognosis is looking great!—and now he is actually autographing copies and is even in the process of voicing the audio pages for Truth Matters, Life Matters More!
Hank shares from his book, which is ultimately about how you can experience life that is life to the full—how you can experience the life in Christ that matters more. In the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve stopped halfway up the paradisiacal mountain. If they had continued on to the summit—to the shekinah glory of God—they would have forever partaken of the Eucharistic bounty, and with unveiled faces could have been transformed from one glory to another. Alas, they stopped and ate what was forbidden. Had they not done so but steadfastly progressed to the summit, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, too, would not have been withheld from them. But Christ’s kenosis has become our theosis—in which we are invited into the loving fellowship of the Trinity—and we participate in the Son’s relationship to the Father!
As our thanks for your support, receive Truth Matters, Life Matters More: The Unexpected Beauty of an Authentic Christian Life.
Streamed live on the Bible Answer Man Facebook page on October 10th 2019.
Connect with Hank Hanegraaff, the Christian Research Institute (CRI) and the Christian Research Journal
Mon. to Fri., 6:00-6:30 p.m. EST. To ask Hank a question, call toll-free 1-888-ASK-HANK (275-4265).
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