In times past, it felt safe to hold the classical biblical viewpoint on homosexuality and even share it in public. Today, however, the smallest comment can bring a violent wave of labels and accusations from online bullies, the press, and certainly the social media public consciousness. Just ask Chick-fil-a. As Christians who take the Bible as God’s truth, what should we do? Is it the better part of wisdom to remain silent? Or should we be prepared to speak the truth in love? This may be a difficult truth that our culture hates, but we must ready ourselves nonetheless.
This Postmodern Realities episode is a conversation with Journal author Matt Holland as he answers questions about his Postmodern Realities Column article including: What motivated you to write this article? Can you be gay and be a Christian? Some Christians condemn homosexuality over other sins. Are they just in doing this? Are people naturally attracted to the same sex? Is this something they choose? What should happen when a gay couple becomes Christian? Do they totally abandon their old lifestyle? Do you see a battle (culture war) between homosexuality and the church?
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Other articles and Postmodern Realities podcasts featuring this author:
- Homosexuality and Modern Ministry: Examining Old Approaches and Assessing New Ones Part One: A History of Missions and Missteps
- Part Two of a two-part series: Homosexuality and Modern Ministry: Examining Old Approaches and Assessing New Ones Part Two: Identity, Terminology, and the Revoice Conference“.
- Episode 103 Homosexuality and Modern Ministry: Part Two
- Episode 065: Love, Simon Film Review “When Hearts Are Young and Gay” with Joe Dallas
- “When Hearts are Young and Gay”.A Review of Love, Simon.
- Episode 028: “The Unending Bending of Gender: Helpful or Harmful?”
- The Unending Bending of Gender: Helpful or Harmful?
- Episode 126 What’s the Problem with Conversion Therapy?
- What’s the Problem with Conversion Therapy?
- Wrestling With The “Gay Christian” Label
- The (Casual) Sexual Revolution (Book Review of: American Hookup: The New Culture of Sex on Campus)
- Boy Erased Movie Review
- When Vague Is in Vogue: A New but Not Improved Approach to Homosexuality Is Growing among Evangelicals
- The Bully Pulpit: When Gay Teens Commit Suicide, Are Preachers to Blame?
- Is “Gay Christian” an Acceptable Identity?
- Of Bathroom Bills and Basic Beliefs
- The Transsexual Dilemma
- Hath God Said? Assessing the Church’s “Change of Heart” about Homosexuality
- When Someone You Love Says, “I’m Gay”