Hank had previously needed to see his doctor multiple times per week, then the frequency of doctor visits progressed to once a week, and now it’s only once a month. And all of his blood counts are up and looking good!
Praise the Lord! And thank you for your prayers on Hank’s behalf.
CRI ministry outreach—the Bible Answer Man broadcast, the Hank Unplugged podcast, the special double issue of the Christian Research Journal, the 24/7 outreaches of a plethora of free ministry materials through equip.org—has been quite effective and support received during December will enable CRI to continue its vital outreaches into 2020.
Bless the Lord God in Christ! And thank you for your vital prayerful support!
Start your subscription to the Christian Research Journal by calling 888-7000-CRI or subscribe online at equip.org.
This month Hank is offering the new book by Jay W. Richards, Eat, Fast, Feast: Heal Your Body While Feeding Your Soul—A Christian Guide to Fasting to all who stand with the Christian Research Institute shoulder-to-shoulder in the battle for life and truth with a gift to support the ongoing work of the ministry.
Receive Hank’s book Truth Matters, Life Matters More: The Unexpected Beauty of an Authentic Christian Life.
Streamed live on the Bible Answer Man Facebook page on January 8th 2020.
Connect with Hank Hanegraaff, the Christian Research Institute (CRI) and the Christian Research Journal
Mon. to Fri., 6:00-6:30 p.m. EST. To ask Hank a question, call toll-free 1-888-ASK-HANK (275-4265).
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